The Model 94 Deluxe Sporting feature Grade IV/V walnut with unique grain patterning that really comes out as it is polished Keep it stock with the excellent Marble Arms iron sights, or get the full accuracy and range potential out of the quality button-rifled barre by mounting a scope – the receiver is drilled and tapped for mounts and a hammer spur extension is included to accommodate cocking and decocking with optics mounted. The Winchester Model 94 is the world’s most popular lever-action and today’s rifles utilize the latest manufacturing technology to bring the most accurate models ever produced. The Model 94 Carbine is a very special rendition of “the perfect lever-action”. Its size and quickness is perfect for hunting in thick brush for deer, bear, wild hogs and other fast-moving game
- Color case hardened finish
- 24″ Semi-gloss blued finish barrel
- Grade IV/V checkered walnut stock
- Marble Arms gold bead front sight
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